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Chinese Restaurants in London are...

Food has a special meaning to the Chinese people. The "waste not, want not" ethos means that a surprising range and variety of plants and animals, and for that matter every part of a plant or animal is used. This has given rise to a remarkable diversity in regional cuisine, which to Westerners can be overwhelming.
China can be divided into many geographical areas, and each area has a distinct style of cooking. The ingredients used in the food are based on the natural agricultural products of the region. In Northern China, wheat is eaten more than rice as a staple food. Food using wheat as its main ingredient, such as noodles and dumplings is prevalent there. China's Southern cuisine uses far more rice, with such staples as rice noodles and zongzi - sticky rice wrapped in leaves and is typically spicier.
Cantonese cuisine is the most widely served style of Chinese cuisine in the world. It is sweeter, favouring braising and stewing, adding various sauces
Sichuan cuisine is the most widely served type of cuisine in China with dishes famous for their hot-spicy taste and the flavour of Sichuan pepper that are rare in other regional cuisines.
Shandong cuisine is relished for the many kinds of different seafood and vegetable dishes and a style of frying in high heat that locks in the flavours and is not oily.
Min cuisine is lighter, with a sweet and sour taste, using ingredients from the sea and the mountains.
Jiangsu cuisine is very refined and presented colourfully and artistically. – key characteristic: seafood, richly aromatic with fine presentation.
Zhejiang cuisine: If you do not like spicy cuisine, but prefer fish and seafood, then this is the food style for you – key characteristic: mellow flavours and seafood.
Hunan cuisine is spicy and favours sautéing, stir-frying, steaming and smoking.
Anhui cuisine incorporates wild ingredients from the local mountains for a tasty, different, and healthy cuisine. It consists mostly of many wild plant/animal ingredients and favours stewing and oil.
We hope that you enjoy our hand-picked selection of some of the best Chinese restaurants in London.

Food has a special meaning to the Chinese people. The "waste not, want not" ethos means that a surprising range and variety of plants and animals, and for that matter every part of a plant or animal is used. This has given rise to a remarkable diversity in regional cuisine, which to Westerners can be overwhelming.
China can be divided into many geographical areas, and each area has a distinct style of cooking. The ingredients used in the food are based onread more

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